Delivery and Refund Policy

Delivery and Refund Policy

Bring care to your home with one click

Delivery and Refund Policy

DoctorNB is an online platform managed by specialist doctors in the healthcare field. Our goal is to connect users who want to get information about various health issues with health specialists through online consultation sessions. Payments made through our platform are exclusively for these online consultation sessions.

Delivery Policy:

Upon successful payment, users are granted access to schedule their online consultation sessions with the selected specialist. The appointment details, including the date and time of the session, are confirmed via email or directly through the user’s account on the platform. As our service is fully digital, there are no physical deliveries involved.

Refund Policy:

Due to the nature of the service, refunds are generally not provided once a session is booked. However, if a session is canceled by the specialist or due to any technical issues preventing the consultation from taking place, users are eligible for a full refund or rescheduling at no additional cost. For any refund or rescheduling inquiries, please contact our support team at [email protected].

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  • How do I contact customer service?

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  • Do doctors pay for good reviews?

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  • Why didn't my review get posted?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectur adipiscing elit eiusmod tempor incididunt labore dolore magna aliquaenim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.

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